Sunday, April 26, 2009

Before and After

I was trying to wait until we came back from our spring break camping trip before getting Lil Miss groomed last month, but at the last minute decided to have her groomed before we left and took her to a new place. You know, trying the cheaper one out. Here are her before and after pictures. Not much difference, huh?

Usually we can wait 8-9 weeks before the next trim but, only 5 weeks later, Miley looked like this again.
A few days ago, Petsmart sent me some coupons that were only good through today so I decided to take her back to the more expensive place, but with my coupons in hand. Went to pick her up and this is what she looks like now. Now that's a haircut!
Bobby was thinking that she was getting chubby but we found out it was just a lot of hair. We definately got our money's worth this time! Let's see how long this cut will last. How do you like her ponytails?

Lesson learned: Pay a little more and we will have to take her less often, so in the long run it's cheaper! Does that make sense? Oh well, you know what I mean!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Museum night

Tiffany's 4th grade class hosted a museum/open house for the school tonight. Here is our tour guide with her teacher, Mrs. Taylor.
They have really been busy studying about our state and the plants and animals that live here. Tiffany had to report on the Striped Skunk.

Lots to see!!

Moving AGAIN!!

No, not us, it's Kyle moving again. To make a long story short, it's all because of her.....
that Kyle has had to move 2 times in the same month. Ashley moved back home with her Mom and Kyle's new roommate already had 2 dogs and 2 cats, so Kyle had to find someplace to live so that they could keep their "baby". Last night we moved him here...

His apartment is very nice and in a great location. Only 10 minutes from church, Ashley's and work and such a better neighborhood than where he was before. Typical bachelor pad, used and unmatched furniture that has been given to him by friends and family, but he seems excited to have his own place.
Another 2nd story, so up they went AGAIN!

All for Bailey! Most people wait until they are married before getting pets, but oh no, the minute we got back from summer vacation they went and pick her up. Hopefully she won't get him kick out of the apartment complex.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Clean up on Flower St.

Because the value of our homes have dipped so low, we have had a lot of people that have just walked away. This is a common sight around here.
Without anyone living in them, the weeds have overtaken the front yards and are looking really bad, so one of our Flower St neighbors organized a clean up day for Tartesso today. We were not planning on helping because we had other things to get done, but when we heard them working and saw that they were on our street, we had a change of heart, grabbed the trash can with our tools in it and walked to the end of the street and started pulling weeds.

Here is what it looks like now.
After finishing, I was all motivated to trim and plant flowers in our backyard.

I sure hope I can get out of bed tomorrow!

Only in Tonopah do you have your high school prom in the elementary school cafeteria. I stopped by to see how the decorating was coming along and to take some pictures only to end up staying and helping for a while. This is the first year in the school's history that they have gone off campus for the prom so this is big. They are planning for 61 students. If you can't tell ,the theme was "Casino Night".The little gifts bags had a cute little candle and some candy in it. This is our school secretary, Kathy. She helped with the event. What do you think about these giant dice for my game room? Cute!

Kathy turned into a minister for the evening in order to marry couples in the "Chapel of Luck". In the vows it reads that the marriage will immediately become void at the end of the prom.

The tables were real cute and they even decorated in the bathrooms!

Hope they have fun!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Another rain day!

No school today because we had another rain day set aside and didn't need it after all. I was looking forward to the day off to recover from the Easter breakfast the day before. I was able to make some returns from the breakfast and then I headed to the foot doctor again. The last visit he gave me my 4th cortisone shot and I didn't see any difference so, now I am trying this......
It is a night splint that I have to wear every night to bed. Looks comfy, doesn't it? We will see if it works. Then it was off to the movies. Guess what we saw? Here's a hint, the last 2 movies we have seen in the theater was Marley and Me and High School Musical 3. Did you guess?........
The girls sang along, swaying back and forth. (We were on the very top row so nobody was behind us or around us.)

They played a video game, then back home we went to get ready for school the next day.
Only 28 more days of school left, then my days will require a daily trip to the pool for swim team.

Egg Hunt

After church yesterday we had an Easter egg hunt for the kids. Lots of eggs, lots of kids and lots of candy!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Tartesso night....

@ Peter Piper Pizza. Friday night we had a school fundraiser for the PTO. This was the easiest event I have ever organized. Pass out the flyers, show up for fun and the school receives a percentage of the sales. No set up, no clean up!! Easy!! We had 58 families (that I could remember) that showed up to support our school. Not bad for a school with only 200 students. Way to go, Tartesso Tigers!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Moving Day

Anyone looking for a orange room to rent? Tonight Kyle moved out of our house and into the home of one of his friends from church . He has only been staying at home 1 night a week for a quite a while now so it's not too much of a change for us except now we have 2 empty bedrooms. The most change will be for my parents. We are so thankful that they have allowed him to stay with them so that he would be closer to work and school, not to mention the money he has saved in gasoline. Thanks, Mom and Dad!!

I decided to get him a little house warming gift. Cleaning and laundry supplies!! Hmm, I wonder how long until they will get used.