Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sunday, Day 2

Tiffany loves the morning walks with Padaddy and Abby.

Today we started out with a big breakfast before heading down to the church service here at Fun Valley.

I'm so glad Ashley likes to cook!!

It's a good thing we got there early, they had 180 at church today. When was the last time you saw young adults singing from a hymnal?

As you can tell, we all wore our shirts that Rod designed which means...
family picture time!! Where is Jenni's pic? How did she get out of this?

On our way to Pagosa Springs to visit some relatives, we stopped at a lake for some pictures.

Out on the porch waiting for the rain.

We found a waterfall and spotted 13 deer on our way back to the campground.

Tiffany is trying "night" fishing but still no luck.

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