Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I was given quit a few suggestions and what I did worked, at least for last night! After playtime and a potty break, Miley was in bed at 8:30. NO night light and NO radio just Miley and her new bone pillow that has a soothing heartbeat. She cried for about a minute and then it was silent. I crossed my fingers and decided to go on to bed (since I had no sleep the night before). She woke up 2 times in the middle of the night but she only cried for about 15 seconds and then it was quiet again. In the morning, I noticed that she had gone potty on her piddle pad in the middle of the night. Love those things!! Then outside she went to poop and potty and start a new day. Keep the ideas coming!!


Russ and Nancy Jakes said...

Things are looking up! Yip! Yip!

Susie said...

Man - not only did you run the Amy School of Swim but now the Amy School of Dog Training - can I send Daisey? Is it too late???

Amy said...

Let's wait and see how she does tonight. Could it be beginners luck?

Susie said...

So, is that a yes to allowing Daisey to enroll?? I have her bags pack!!

Amy said...

Can you teach old dogs new tricks?

Bobby said...

How old is Susie?

Anonymous said...

Should we start calling you the Arizona "Dog Whisperer"?

Susie said...

Bobby B - are YOU calling ME a DOG??? Ha Ha - ps - Daisey is 6 (42 in dog years) - and actually I don't think she could have ever learned a trick - "she", let's just say.... "has problems, issues...." - bless her heart. But we (I) love her!! Update, the Miley news!!