Thursday, November 13, 2008

We have a WINNER!!

Last night was the last night of this session of tennis lessons. The 9 kids in the class played a little tournament and Tiffany was the only one that was undefeated. Yeah for Tiff!!

Are you wondering where the video and pictures are from her matches? Well, I was the ref or ump or whatever you call them for tennis, on court 4 so I couldn't take them. I just know Kyle is laughing it up right now, but really I was. I must admit, I really knew what I was doing (at least for the level of tennis they were playing). It must have been from all those matches I sat through watching Kyle!! If only I could play the game!!


Susie said...

You can play - that would be so fun - we could have a mother/son competition!!!! Way to go Tif!!!

Amy said...

Mother/Son??? Poor Kyle!

Russ and Nancy Jakes said...

You CAN learn, you know. It's almost like pickle ball; just a little more strenuous because those little tennis balls can go a long way!

Susie said...

Winner winner - chicken dinner!!!! - you need a new post!!!