Sunday, February 15, 2009

She needs a name!!

Here are the names that we came up with for Miley's Continental Kennel Club registration. It's not too late to add one of your own. We need to get this turned in ASAP!!
Brannon's Pampered Pup Miley (given by Rod)
Nous Aimons Miley (french for: We love Miley- given by Mom)
Tiffany's "the Entertainer" (refering to Miley Cyrus- given by Dad)
Brannon's Pretty Pup Miley
Brannon's Lil' Miss Miley
Taffy Lou's Girl Miley (after her Mother)
Taffy Lou's Pretty Pup Miley (after her Mother)
What's all the fuss about Miley? (given by Chris)

Place your votes or add a new one on the blog comments!!


Kyle and Ashley said...

Miley's Miss Priss Pampering

Mary Ann said...

Brannon's Montana Miley (after all, she is the star and has some blonde hair!)

Jen said...

I like Brannon's Lil Miss Miley

Russ and Nancy Jakes said...

This is more of a test to see it our name come out ok. I like my suggestion but also like Brannon's Lil Miss Miley.