Sunday, April 26, 2009

Before and After

I was trying to wait until we came back from our spring break camping trip before getting Lil Miss groomed last month, but at the last minute decided to have her groomed before we left and took her to a new place. You know, trying the cheaper one out. Here are her before and after pictures. Not much difference, huh?

Usually we can wait 8-9 weeks before the next trim but, only 5 weeks later, Miley looked like this again.
A few days ago, Petsmart sent me some coupons that were only good through today so I decided to take her back to the more expensive place, but with my coupons in hand. Went to pick her up and this is what she looks like now. Now that's a haircut!
Bobby was thinking that she was getting chubby but we found out it was just a lot of hair. We definately got our money's worth this time! Let's see how long this cut will last. How do you like her ponytails?

Lesson learned: Pay a little more and we will have to take her less often, so in the long run it's cheaper! Does that make sense? Oh well, you know what I mean!!


Russ and Nancy Jakes said...

Been there, done that! Dogs are like a car...the initial cost is a drop in the bucket compared to the upkeep! But look at it this way...she's always glad to see you when you come home, she doesn't nag, she doesn't ask for an allowance, she brings you happiness (most of the time), etc. We love our pets!

joanna yoder said...

Hi Amy,
Of course I remember you. It's great to hear from you. Your family sure has grown up too.It's amazing that we have 20 and my twins are 21 now. I love the beach picture of you all jumping. How fun. I love the beach.
Keep in touch.
Jo Anna