Saturday, April 18, 2009

Clean up on Flower St.

Because the value of our homes have dipped so low, we have had a lot of people that have just walked away. This is a common sight around here.
Without anyone living in them, the weeds have overtaken the front yards and are looking really bad, so one of our Flower St neighbors organized a clean up day for Tartesso today. We were not planning on helping because we had other things to get done, but when we heard them working and saw that they were on our street, we had a change of heart, grabbed the trash can with our tools in it and walked to the end of the street and started pulling weeds.

Here is what it looks like now.
After finishing, I was all motivated to trim and plant flowers in our backyard.

I sure hope I can get out of bed tomorrow!

Only in Tonopah do you have your high school prom in the elementary school cafeteria. I stopped by to see how the decorating was coming along and to take some pictures only to end up staying and helping for a while. This is the first year in the school's history that they have gone off campus for the prom so this is big. They are planning for 61 students. If you can't tell ,the theme was "Casino Night".The little gifts bags had a cute little candle and some candy in it. This is our school secretary, Kathy. She helped with the event. What do you think about these giant dice for my game room? Cute!

Kathy turned into a minister for the evening in order to marry couples in the "Chapel of Luck". In the vows it reads that the marriage will immediately become void at the end of the prom.

The tables were real cute and they even decorated in the bathrooms!

Hope they have fun!


Russ and Nancy Jakes said...

How about a clean up day at #184 in Casa del Sol?!

Bobby said...

That's out of our jurisdiction. Sorry!