Monday, July 27, 2009


Tiffany had a doctor appointment this morning (not the sweet part) at Greenway and I17. Guess what we had for lunch? Yes!!
We couldn't get that close and not go!! We used to go here every Sunday night after church and I mean EVERY Sunday night! Some things never change....

Tiffany had refried beans and a cheese crisp and I had my teriyaki rice bowl but my favorite is the snickerdoodle that comes with every meal. Yum!!

Tiffany and Serena's picture is still posted on the wall.
Still not sure how it got up there.


Susie said...

oh man............... i'm going to have to go now - i got eric into the fry bread house!!

Russ and Nancy Jakes said...

Believe it or not, even I would like to eat at Chino's about now. I guess what they say about "absence makes the heart grow fonder" is true; only in this case it makes the "stomach" grow fonder!