No Christmas parties, not a single Christmas carol was sung, minimal Christmas decorations were up in the house, the "poor me" attitude, all this to say, this was not a good Christmas for me. After going through some depression over the holidays, things are looking up! I am just sorry that I missed out on celebrating our Savior's birth. However, during this last month, I was reminded that OUR plans are not always HIS plans. For me, a planner and some would say an organized freak, it's hard not to worry about where and when we will be moving, but I do have comfort in knowing that God will take care of us. During these hard times, I remember these words that I have heard over and over again from my friends, family and co-workers. "Trust God", "Have Faith", "HE will provide" and the message from the Palmcroft Christmas Eve service, (especially for us) "It's going to be okay". All of which I already know, but just needed to be reminded.
We have decided just to stay in this house as long as we can, so over the weekend we unpacked all the window treatments and re-hung pictures on the walls.

Look what I unpacked as is up in the dining room.

Not just decorations, words to live by.
We had sold our table and chairs since we wouldn't need them at the new house and were eating off of a card table and chairs. Chris and Bill are sharing this set with us.

Our house looks like a home again!
1 comment:
You create such a beautiful home but most important you create a HAPPY home where the Spirit of the Lord can be felt upon entering!! The Lord does remember His faithful children!
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