Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Who would have thought.....

that this meeting of our families in 1972 would lead to...

and now we are celebrating 25 years of marriage.
Happy Anniversary to us!!!

Bobby surprised me with a flower delivery at work today. Aren't they beautiful?


rpj said...

Congratulations you two!!

I like that first pic of the family. Is it me or do I have a bit of a glow about me?

Almost as if I were "golden".

Susie said...

WOW - Bobby is becoming quite the romantic - yeow!! You two are definitely a match made in heaven!! Congrats and many more happy years together!!

Kyle and Ashley said...

Since the two of you decided to get married at 19 and you have known eachother just as long as kyle and I and you both look so happy 25 years later we decided we are going to follow in your footsteps no need to wait ha ha jk congrats on 25 years! :)

Kate said...

Congrats Amy!!!!