Saturday, September 20, 2008

New trick

This is what happens when girls with lots of build-a-bear clothes come over to play with Miley. Suddenly, they don't need the stuffed animal to dress up, they have Miley! Here she is sporting the cheerleader outfit.


Kyle and Ashley said...

OMG how cute is she!! That is good that she already knows sit. Bailey learned that along with shake and lie down so now everytime I hold a treat out she sits shakes and lies down before I even say anything. It became a routine lol

Susie said...

Okay, that does it!!! Daisey is on the next bus to Buckeye!! You need to quit your day job and take up dog training - did a lighting bolt hit you??? What happened to the old Amy - being repulsed by a dog?? The outfit is darling, I bet the girls can play for hours with her!!

Amy said...

It's different with your own dog, you know where they have been!

Bobby said...

Wait till Amy gets out Tiffs old Miami Dolphins cheerleader outfit and puts it on Miley!!!