Saturday, February 28, 2009

BBQ fundraiser

To help the kids go to summer camp, the kids at the church held a BBQ dinner. The menu was BBQ beef or pork sandwich, potato salad, chips and a brownie with ice cream for dessert. The kids waited on the tables and provided entertainment for the evening. Tiffany would be the shy one in the back barely moving. One of the highlights was a few of the adults pretending like they were on a roller coaster ride. Man, I wish I would have had my camera rolling when my Dad was up there. Funny!!

What a great night! Tiffany was able to raise enough money to pay for half the way to camp. I hope at the next fundraiser she earns enough for the trip back home. Thanks for your support!


Russ and Nancy Jakes said...

Okay...we thought the option was just "BBQ" we're wondering if we had beef or pork! Tiffany kept eyeing the active kid in the middle, front row - not sure if she was embarrassed for him or infatuated with him! It was a fun evening. We hope she gets to come home from camp.

Susie said...

Love the glove - you look like a professional - oh, that's right you are!!!